12 May 2013

There She Goes Again

Hola, Assalammualaikum brotha sista !

say hi to mid-term for primary & secondary students. Hi3 to final for mahasiswi & mahasiswa colleges or uni yang still tak habis final and me ? Struggling for my mid-term so much. For future right guys ? And more important make your mom&dad proud. Make your generations proud. Especially your mom. Mother's Day kannn. Forgot already nasib my lil sister ingatkan, to much add maths formulae to revise maybe till forgot today 12 May 2013 is Hari Mak. Of course everyone of us love our mom so much. Some people says that Hari Ibu is haram but then ada yang cakap tak haram. Actually we should celebrate our mom every single day, hours, minutes and seconds. She's amazing. Macam lagu Bruno Mars lah "coz she's amazing just the way she is" . No one can replace our mom. Be proud while you still have her to care about you, to make jokes around, to laugh with you BUT don't regret when she's GONE FOREVER. No one will cook your favorite food anymore. Selamat Hari Mak I love you soooo much !

there's she goes again bla bla blaa blaaa everything again. Sorry if terlanjur kata okay guys. Yang baik from my words jadikan panduan and yang buruk jadikan teladan+sempadan. See yaaa ! Assalammualaikum

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